
"May happiness here and hereafter be your lot." - Joseph Lloyd

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 There is a great blog where you are given a prompt once a week for a year, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, by Amy Johnson Crow.  This is something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but never have. I am going to give it a good try this year to do at least half.  I have 4 family history blogs that I will be working on, so I may need some grace. 

The first prompt is "Foundations".  Aside from some hymns about the foundation of Jesus, I think of our 'founding fathers' of our family.  Our line of Lloyds is an interesting one and I can find inspiration in their life stories. A cousin of mine on the Lloyd side recently completed all of the paperwork for the DAR application, and was accepted, for an ancestor on the Gary branch of the Lloyd tree.  When I look at all of our ancestors, this distinction could really be applied to so many ancestors. I think it is cool that one of my 'lines' that have continued from pre-Revolutionary time to the present is represented.  I really appreciate my cousin for all her hard work and for tagging me in!  Now I can pay that forward to my nieces and others. 

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